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What is the vehicle axle?

: admin: 2015-11-13 12:43:10: 118

Axle differential is torque transmission between the solid shaft and the drive wheels, the inner end typically by a splined connection with the side gears, the outer end of the hub is connected.Axle differential is torque transmission between the solid shaft and the drive wheels, the inner end typically by a splined connection with the side gears, the outer end of the hub is connected.

Hyundai common axle, according to their support in different forms, there are full floating and semi-floating two.

Full floating axle torque transfer only, does not bear any reaction forces and moments, which are widely used in various types of vehicles. Full floating axle easy disassembly, simply unscrew the bolt on half axons margin can be withdrawn axle, and wheel and axle can still support cars, making it easy to bring the car maintenance.
Both semi-floating axle transmission torque and withstand the full reaction force and moments. It"s simple support structure, low cost, which is widely used on small reaction force moment all types of cars. But this axle support cannibalize trouble, and cars with the broken axle if danger is easy to fly off the wheel.